Food for Thought started out as an idea in the Fall of 2000 and has grown faster than any of us could have imagined...
Don't Worry.
Food For Thought Productions
is back!
Cause Célèbre
Visit our sister company: Cause Célèbre Productions
a not for profit tax exempt 501 (c) (3) organization.
Read about our
About Us
What is Food For Thought Productions?
Food for Thought Productions, which started out as the brainchild of award winning writer Susan Charlotte, was launched in the Fall of 2000. This acclaimed theatre company presents a series of one-act plays by award-winning writers performed by an alternating repertory of Broadway stars and directors.
Our Mission
Our Vision: To create a venue for the one-act play, the oft-neglected short form. Our Philosophy: Less is More.
Food For Thought began as an idea in September 2000. The idea: Less is More. Less production values, less contracts, more room for creativity and profundity of thought. Presenting a reading of a one-act play in an intimate setting allows us to push the dramatic envelope.
The One-Act Play
Good things often come in small packages and so it goes with the one-act play, a vital and important form in and of itself and one that is often overlooked. Mastered by Miller, Pinter, Albee, Beckett, Chekhov, and Williams, the one-act has also given birth to such full-length plays as A Streetcar Named Desire, a classic which may not have existed if Williams had not written Portrait of a Madonna first. Food For Thought, created in order to cultivate and provide a venue for the one-act form, offers an opportunity to see high quality theatre with our most accomplished actors at affordable prices.
Reading Versus Production
Though clearly a full production has its advantages, so too does a reading. Our goal is simply to find the most engaging material and to match it with the crème de la crème of actors. We choose about ten different plays per season. Given the high profile of such actors, the limited time commitment allows them to take greater risks. Writers also have an opportunity to explore new and daring material. Sometimes plays are even presented before they go into production, as was the case with Tony Kushner’s East Coast Ode to Howard Jarvis and Lynn Redgrave’s Nightingale.
An Intimate Setting
Our audiences are small so that everyone has a chance to see actors up close and personal. Audiences are privy to a kind of rehearsal-type feeling, watching actors as they discover a moment, a word, a character. They become more of the participant than the spectator. Theatre-goers have experienced those rare moments when Patricia Neal and Eli Wallach read Tennessee Williams, or Judd Hirsch and Marian Seldes read Chekhov. There was also the excitement of seeing dynamic pairs such as Estelle Parsons and Cliff Robertson, Rita Moreno and Barbara Feldon, Christine Baranski and Anne Meara, and Campbell Scott and Kyra Sedgwick. And then there was the reading when Arthur Miller joined Elaine Stritch and Bob Dishy on stage for a Q&A after his play, I Can’t Remember Anything. Contrary to the title, it was one of the most memorable readings we ever had.
Once in a Lifetime Moment:
In 2001, Arthur Miller joined Elaine Stritch and Bob Dishy on stage for a Q&A after his play, I Cant Remember Anything. Contrary to the title, it was one of the most remarkable and memorable readings staged by Food For Thought.
Food For Thought members can enjoy a fabulous pre-show buffet lunch from noon to two at The Coffee House Club.
Drama Desk Nominee & Drama League Winner Roberta Wallach
Two-Time Tony Winner James Naughton
Tony Award Nominee Penny Fuller
Michael Citriniti
Jeryl M. in her blog, “Says Me Says Mom,” describes the show saying,
“Someone is Sending a Message is the story of Nick Springer. Nick was afflicted with Meningitis while at summer camp and was forced to undergo quadruple amputations to save his life. Yet despite this, he never lost his positive attitude. He became a Paralympic Gold Medalist, an advocate for survival and vaccines, and an inspiration.”
“The show isn’t so much the story of Nick’s life as it is about Nick’s legacy. It focuses on how he continued to affect people even after his tragic death at the age of 35. Specifically, its about how he inspired a friend even after his own passing. After Nick’s death, the friend goes to his Facebook page to find out what happened. She is blown away by the outpouring of love for Nick she finds there. Message upon message is posted about Nick and what he meant to people. There is even a message from Nick himself about how life goes on. It causes her to have a reckoning within her own life and even come to terms with her own brother’s death at a young age which is something she never really dealt with before.”
“True there is a deep sadness to this story. It is always sad when someone so young dies especially someone as full of life as Nick clearly was. However, ultimately it is an uplifting story of hope, courage and connection. If Nick could pack so much into his short life and affect so many lives in such a positive way, the least the rest of us can do is live our lives to the fullest in the time we’re given and try to have a positive impact as well.”
“Life goes on. With or without you. You can either shut down or join in.”
– Nick Springer
Someone Is Sending A Message
is a staged reading based on a true story.
A story that deals with persistence in the face of adversity and hope. A story that revolves around a courageous young man named Nick.
It’s also the story of an artist named Sheila, a friend of Nick’s who is at a crossroads with her art and her life. Suddenly she receives a phone call, “Nick! What do you mean Nick is dead?”
This was the same Nick she spoke to two weeks ago; who she had known since he was 13; who had contracted Meningitis when he was in camp;
and despite quadruple amputations, became a Paralympic Gold Medalist, an international advocate for life, survival, vaccination
and everyone’s hero.
Nick did not let any obstacle get in his way. Until now…. while swimming in a friend’s pool his heart gave out.
Sheila turns to Facebook to learn more about what happened to Nick. Hundreds of people have been posting messages. Every time she tries to post one of her own, the following text is typed on her computer – ”Someone Is Sending A Message.”
A realistic story turns into a surrealistic journey.
She is so affected by his extraordinary life and his unexpected death at 35, that she begins to face the obstacles in her own life and to come to terms with the story of her brother, who also died in his 30’s.
Perhaps there is a message for her. As she stares at the screen more feelings from her past appear alongside the texts from Nick’s friends. The two worlds overlapping as Sheila tries to make sense of her life with all its twists and turns.
And suddenly she sees a message from Nick, “Life Goes On,” a message that encourages her to move forward.
These performances were presented by our sister company, Cause Celebre, and Hendersen Productions
Garry Marshall Theatre, 4252 W Riverside Drive, Burbank, CA 91505
The show that was sold out in New York moved to LA!
July 21st at 6PM
July 22nd at 2pm and 7pm
The three shows were a big success in California!
Based on the New York court case
by legendary lawyer Martin Garbus
Written by Susan Charlotte
Directed by Anthony Marsellis
On July 21st we celebrated FREE SPEECH
with legendary attorney Marty Garbus and the cast in a post show Q & A.
Drama Desk Nominee, Matthew Arkin, as Narrator/Marty Garbus
Michael Citriniti (“Goodfellas”) as Herbert S. Ruhe
Nicholas Guest (“National Lampoon”) as Richard Kuh
Martha Hackett (“Star Trek”) as Dorothy Killgallen
Scott Marshall (“Pretty Woman”) as Forrest Johnson
Greg Mullavey (“Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman”) as Jules Feiffer
Larry Pressman (“Doogie Howser M.D.”) as Richard Kuh
Alex Purcell (“The Kite Runner on Broadway”) as Lenny Bruce
There were three judges and no jury at Lenny Bruce’s trial.
You will be the audience and the jury!
Based on the case of MARTY GARBUS
A deeply compelling play that combines a drama about voter suppression
with lines from the song, “Oxford Town,”
written by musical icon, BOB DYLAN.
FOR TICKETS: CALL (646) 336-9340 or EMAIL:
DATE: June 14th at 7:00pm
– lyrics from a haunting song provide a Greek chorus throughout the play.
“The People Versus Lenny Bruce”
This show was performed on January 11th, 2024.
It was a huge success with an audience of over 150 people! Check back soon for updates on our next show!
Based on case of legendary lawyer Martin Garbus
Written by Susan Charlotte
Directed by Antony Marsellis
“Judge, just hear my act once. You convicted me on what someone said my act is. I know you are all good men and want to do right. Just let me show you my act. I know you’ll help because this is justice and you don’t want to do wrong. Please, please just let me show you my act. It’s not dirty.”
Lenny Bruce to the judge at his New York TrIAL
Followed by a Q & A with the cast, playwright, and Marty Garbus